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Forslagstitel på sprog (en): Geographic information – Geospatial API for tiles – Part 1: Core
Nummer:DSF/ISO/DIS 19177-1
Udvalgsnavn:Geografisk information
Forslag udgivet:18. jul 2024
Kommentarfrist:16. sep 2024
Antal kommentarer:0
Beskrivelse af forslaget:The OGC API – Tiles Standard specifies the behavior of Web APIs that provide access to tiles of one or more geospatial data resources (collections) that the Web API offers. This document defines how to discover which resources offered by the Web API can be retrieved as tiles, get metadata about the available tile sets (including according to which tile matrix set each tile set is partitioned and the limits of that tile set within a common potentially global tile matrix set) and how to request a tile. This document is sometimes referred to as the Tiles API. The core conformance class is defined in a way that could be easily included in a web API, even if that API does not conform to the OGC API – Common Standard. A web API can combine some requirements classes of this OGC API Standard with those of other OGC API Standards (including OGC API – Common) to extend the scope of the Web API by adding functionality..

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