Detaljer på forslag

Forslagstitel på sprog (en): Ventilation for buildings – Test procedures and measurement methods to hand over air conditioning and ventilation systems and air conditioning systems for non-residential buildings
Nummer:DSF/prEN 12599
Udvalgsnavn:Ventilation i bygninger
Forslag udgivet:25. jul 2024
Kommentarfrist:24. sep 2024
Antal kommentarer:0
Beskrivelse af forslaget:This European Standard specifies checks, test methods and measuring instruments in order to verify the fitness for purpose of the installed systems primarily for handing over which will be partially performed before, during and after handing over. This European Standard enables the choice between simple test methods, when sufficient, and extensive measurements, when necessary. This European Standard applies to mechanically operated ventilation and air conditioning systems as specified in EN 12792 and comprising any of the following: - air terminal devices and units, - air handling units, - air distribution systems (supply, extract, exhaust), - fire protection devices, - automatic control devices. When the system is set, adjusted and balanced measurement methods described in this European Standard apply. This European Standard does not apply to: - heat generating systems and their control, - refrigerating systems and their control, - distribution of heating and cooling medium to the air handling units, - compressed air supplying systems, - water conditioning systems, - central steam generating systems for air humidifying, - electric supply systems. This European Standard applies to ventilation and air conditioning systems designed for the maintenance of comfort conditions in buildings. It is not applicable in the case of systems for the control of industrial or other special process environments. In the latter case, however, it may be referred to if the system technology is similar to that of the above mentioned ventilation and air conditioning systems. This European Standard does not include any requirements concerning the installation contract. However, in order to facilitate the application of this standard, the installation contract should refer to the provisions which are listed in Annex F. The measuring methods in this European Standard can be used in the frame of the energy inspection of air-conditioning systems according to EU Directive 2010/31/EU "Energy performance of buildings Directive" (see EN 15239, EN 15240). This European Standard may be used for residential and dwelling ventilation systems.

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