Detaljer på forslag

Forslagstitel på sprog (en): Determination of particle size distribution – Single particle light interaction methods – Part 1: Light scattering aerosol spectrometer
Nummer:DSF/ISO/DIS 21501-1
Forslag udgivet:21. nov 2024
Kommentarfrist:20. jan 2025
Antal kommentarer:0
Beskrivelse af forslaget:This document specifies characteristics of a light scattering aerosol spectrometer (LSAS) which is use measuring the size, number concentration and number/size distribution of particles suspended in a gas light scattering technique described in this document is based upon single particle measurements. The range of particles measured by this method is between approximately 0,06 µm to 45 µm in diameter. Instruments that conform to this document are used for the determination of the particle size distribu and particle number concentration at relatively high concentrations of up to 105 particles/cm3. Application fields include: – characterization of metered dose inhalers (MDI), dry powder inhalers (DPI) and nebulizers in pharm – production control of active agents; – cut-off determination: impactors, cyclones and impingers; – atmospheric aerosols: bio-aerosols, stables/composting facilities, nebulized droplets, measuremen street tunnels; – fractional separation efficiency determination of filters. For the above-mentioned applications, aerosol spectrometers should determine the particle size distribu and particle number concentration as accurately as necessary. For this purpose, they should have approp size resolution, sizing accuracy, counting efficiency and flowrate accuracy. These aerosol spectrometer not suitable for the classification of clean rooms.

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