Detaljer på forslag

Forslagstitel på sprog (en): Safety of machinery – Application of protective equipment to detect the presence of persons
Nummer:DSF/prEN IEC 62046:2024
Udvalgsnavn:Maskinsikkerhed - Elektrotekniske aspekter
Forslag udgivet:12. jan 2025
Kommentarfrist:5. mar 2025
Antal kommentarer:0
Beskrivelse af forslaget:This International Standard specifies requirements for the selection, positioning, configuration and commissioning of sensitive protective equipment to detect the momentary or continued presence of persons in order to protect those persons from dangerous part(s) of machinery in industrial applications. This standard covers the application of electro-sensitive protective equipment (ESPE) specified in IEC 61496 (all parts) and pressure-sensitive mats and floors specified in ISO 13856-1. It takes into account the characteristics of the machinery, the sensitive protective equipment, the environment and human interaction by persons of 14 years and older. This document includes informative annexes to provide guidance on the application of sensitive protective equipment to detect the presence of persons. These annexes contain examples to illustrate the principles of this standard. These examples are not intended to be the only solutions to a given application and are not intended to restrict innovation or advancement of technology. The examples are provided only as representative solutions to illustrate some of the concepts of integration of sensitive protective equipment, and have been simplified for clarity, so they may be incomplete. It is intended that this document is used in conjunction with ISO 13855.

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