Detaljer på forslag

Forslagstitel på sprog (en): Enterprise-control system integration – Part 2: Object and attributes for enterprise-control system integration
Nummer:DSF/prEN IEC 62264-2:2024
Udvalgsnavn:Industriel automatisering
Forslag udgivet:12. jan 2025
Kommentarfrist:10. mar 2025
Antal kommentarer:0
Beskrivelse af forslaget:This standard specifies interface content exchanged between manufacturing control functions and other enterprise functions as interrelated information models. The information models are represented as an interrelated collection of conceptual object models which can be used for the implementation of applications with logical data and physical data models. The data exchanges in interfaces are scoped as between Level 3 manufacturing operations and Level 4 business systems in the hierarchical model defined in IEC 62264-1. The standard’s goal is to reduce the risk, cost, and errors associated with implementing the interfaces. Since this standard’s scope covers many manufacturing operations and enterprise domains and there are many different standards for those domains, the semantics of this data exchange standard are described at a conceptual level intended to enable the other standards to be mapped to these semantics. To this end, this standard defines a set of elements contained in the generic interface, together with a mechanism for extending the interface content for implementations. The scope is limited to the definition of object models and attributes of the exchanged information defined in the IEC 62264-1 standard.

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